Gauzy Product Lines

LCG® – Light Control Glass – is our trademarked name for “smart glass”. LCG® Smart Glass Technologies refer to any PDLC or SPD based technology, and supporting hardware or control systems associated with our smart glass.

LCG® Smart Glass is Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) or Suspended Particle Device (SPD) films laminated between two pieces of glass to create a laminated glass unit. LCG® Smart Film is an adhesive PDLC film that can be applied to existing glass.

Below you’ll find the details of Gauzy’s product lines and names.

Laminated Smart Glass Product Lines

High Performance LCG®

HP-LCG® Smart Glass
HP-LCG® Smart Glass Films

Our first ever low voltage compatible film with industry leading low haze of 2.2% at 70VAC and just 3.2% at 42VAC.

Colors: white, grey

Add-On Features: Invisible Patterning, Full Array Printing*

Solar Performance LCG®

SP-LCG® Smart Glass
SP-LCG® Smart Glass Films

Blocks up to 78% of Solar IR for temperature reduction of up to 15C, with EOP features

Colors: white
Add-On Features: Invisible Patterning


SPD-LCG® Smart Glass
SPD-LCG® Smart Glass Films

Dimmable glass technology that blocks up to 99% of visible light for user controlled dynamic shading without blocking views.

Colors: standard grey
Add-On Features: Invisible Patterning

ExtraClear Performance LCG®

EP-LCG® Smart Glass
EP-LCG® Smart Glass Films

Ultra high transparency with high VLT and low haze for our clearest film ever with a minimum of 42VAC operation

Extended Outdoor Performance LCG®

EOP-LCG® Smart Glass
EOP-LCG® Smart Glass Films

Operating temperature range of -20-+90C and under extreme weather and outdoor-grade conditions, maintaining durability under humidity and IR and UV exposure, with non-solar applications.

Colors: white, grey
Add-On Features: Invisible Patterning

Adhesive Smart Film Product Lines

Adhesive High Performance LCG®

AHP-LCG® Smart Film

AHP smart films have a scratch-resistant coating for durability and usability. Operating temperature -20°C to +70°C

Adhesive Solar Performance LCG®

ASP-LCG® Smart Film

Blocks up to 78% of Solar IR for temperature reduction, with EOP features

Colors: white

Adhesive ExtraClear Performance LCG®



Ultra high transparency with high VLT and low haze for our clearest film ever with a minimum of 42VAC operation

* Coming soon

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