
Browse our publications page to access  guides, eBooks and research papers published by Gauzy. Additional content can be found on our YouTube channel


Learn about new smart building materials you need to use. Consider the fine line between openness and privacy. Rethink the crossover between cleanliness, safety and sustainability.

Learn about new smart building materials you need to use. Consider the fine line between openness and privacy. Rethink the crossover between cleanliness, safety and sustainability.


In this guide, we introduce glass installers to smart glass: what it is, how it works and, most importantly, how to install smart glass, going in-depth to provide you with all the tidbits you need to know in terms of glazing requirements. 

Learn about new smart building materials you need to use. Consider the fine line between openness and privacy. Rethink the crossover between cleanliness, safety and sustainability.

One of the most remarkable qualities of Smart Glass is its versatility. This handbook is a valuable resource that covers in detail the many different ways smart glass can be used in architecture and interior design.

Safety standards in healthcare environments are constantly evolving. Innovative building designs and smart materials can help facilities adapt , better treat patients and ensure the safety of staff, patients, and visitors.

Research Papers

industrial development publication
A New Industrial Development Approach in PDLC Technology
transient phenomenon in polymer dispersed liquid crystal
Transient Phenomenon in Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystals
evaluation of pdlc publication
Evaluation of PDLC for Passive Rear Projection Screen Application

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