Tag: Smart Glass Design

Posts with Tag: Smart Glass Design

Hotel room with smart glass

How Smart Glass Can Boost Hotel Ratings

With so many choices, how does a traveler decide which hotel to stay in? Unless they get a personal recommendation, most will turn to online reviews with hotel ratings on popular sites, or crowdsource opinions from social media travel groups for an answer to the question: what’s the best hotel to stay at in my

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Switchable Privacy Glass: Why Open Space Offices Need It

Open office spaces have become a trend in the last few years, replacing floor plans with lots of sectioned off offices and overly-packed cubicle spaces. There are many advantages claimed to favor open office spaces, such as the feeling of an open environment and transparency (both literally and figuratively), which lead to improved productivity, better

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lcg fridge

Going Home to Gauzy Kitchen

Smart Glass offers flexibility and infinite possibilities in the home, starting with the kitchen: \r\nTransforming a residential unit into an inviting home that offers comfort, convenience, style and makes practical use of space is a challenge for both homeowners and interior designers. LCG®, or smart glass, (also known as switchable glass or privacy glass), effectively

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LCG Shilo project

LCG® Smart Glass Museum Applications

The Versatility of LCG® Today’s monumental, archaeological and art preservation sites are increasingly constructed with cutting-edge  innovation, protection and engagement with site visitors. With easy installation, switchable smart glass offers protection and discretion for monuments, historical objects, and art – when tinted, dimmed or opaque, along with versatility and capacity to turn transparent. Museums, galleries

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Switchable Privacy Glass for Hospital ICU

Gauzy’s innovative smart glass solutions made of LCG® (Liquid Crystal Glass) are used in hospitals around the world, offering sterility, privacy, reduced overhead & energy consumption. It’s an ideal curtain replacement, partition, and it is great for windows and doors. Switchable privacy glass now complements hospitals prophylactic approach to sterility, offering excellent ROI for its

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side of building with image

6 Ways to Use Smart Glass Windows for Retail Advertising

Attracting today’s sophisticated shoppers, while effectively marketing your retail brand with a competitive edge is challenging. Digital advertising has taken over the internet, and traditional brick and mortar stores are also looking for a way to transform their space, giving consumers a one-of-a-kind experience from the moment they consider a store window to when they

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